Best tank in modern world
Best tank in modern world

best tank in modern world best tank in modern world

The only challanger lost so far in combat was lost to another challenger and even then half the crew lived despite it being point blank range. Dangerous statement, dont forget that the Challanger 2 has a generation better armour than the M1A2 and a better gun, whilst a bit slower in an open invironment like the dessert, speed will only get you so far before the fire control systems of a top tank will lock onto you, at that point its armour vs gun and as the callenger has more of one and a better one of the other it would be a brave man who would make such a bold statement, personnely I would prefer never to be in a situation where a M1* would have to go against a challenger* or challenger* against a M1*(* please subsitute fave tank here)

Best tank in modern world